OK, last time I posted (admittedly, quite some time ago), I mentioned my Studio J homework for Convention. Well, I attended Convention in Dallas earlier this month and received my printed layouts - they are gorgeous!! I love Studio J so much. And now, you can, too! Close To My Heart has announced that they are doing away with Studio J memberships, so now EVERYONE can enjoy ALL of the kits and patterns available (no more "members only" tags!), AND get member PRICING on all printed layouts! That's right! You can use Studio J at NO COST at all, but if you choose to have your layouts printed, they're only $6.95 each - that's only $3.48 per page! Fantastic!
Here are some other fantastic changes:
- The price of a Studio J 5-Pack (includes 5 two-page layouts plus shipping & handling) has been reduced from $55 to $39.95! That's a huge reduction!
- You can now choose to purchase your layouts as JPEG files (instead of the printed layouts) for just $2.95 each.
- Express Collections! As if Studio J wasn't already fast & easy enough, Express Collections include 10 unique 2-page layouts - plus a front and back page - all designed with embellishments, My Stickease clusters, and custom color combinations. Just drop your photos in, add your journaling, and you've completed a custom album in minutes. There are six different themed collections: "All About Me", "Little Man", "Little Miss", "School Days", "Travels", and "Year in Review". Head over to Studio J and check them out! Here's one of the layouts from the "Little Miss" Collection:
- You can now add your Studio J order to any open gathering listed on your Consultant's website! Your order will count toward that gathering's sales and help the Hostess with her Hostess Rewards! In addition, Studio J layouts can now be a part of your Hostess Rewards!
- If you are ordering printed layouts from Studio J, there is a minimum order of 4 layouts required - BUT the maximum number of layouts that you can order for the low, low shipping price of just $5.95 has increased from 20 to 50 layouts! Unbelievable!
As you can see, there have been a lot of great changes and improvements to Studio J. I encourage you to create a FREE account and start playing. Once you do, you'll find that even if you are a "traditional" paper scrapbooker, you'll find a place for Studio J - you might even get a little caught up! Have fun!